
APPS is a Finnish limited company registered as Aku Pirinen Professional Services Oy (2863747-6). The company was founded on October 2017. The personnel in the company has 20 years of experience from private and public sector, working inside the system, listening to the customers and creating new solutions.


APPS is member of these distinguished associations:


Finnish Software Industry and Entrepreneur Association is a community for the management of software companies, a developer of the software industry and a representative. The activities focus on supporting the growing success of the members, renewing the working life and digitalising service and industrial business.

We want the importance of the software industry to be recognised as the builder and trendsetter of our society’s future. As our members we have 700 of the most key companies, leaders and influencers in the industry.


The Finnish Management Consultants Association was formed in 1961 to represent the management consultancy industry to its clients, the media and the government. The association supports its members by training, education, networking and public relations. Management consultancy is an increasingly important industry for the positive development of the economy.

The Finnish Management Consultants Association LJK is a member off

  • FEACO (The European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations)
  • ICMCI (The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes)
  • ICC (The International Chamber of Commerce)